Source code for jammy.utils.debug

import contextlib
import functools
import sys
import threading

from jammy.utils.env import jam_getenv

if jam_getenv("pdb", "ipdb").lower() == "ipdb":
    import ipdb as pdb
    import pudb as pdb

__all__ = ["hook_exception_ipdb", "unhook_exception_ipdb", "exception_hook"]

# pylint: disable=invalid-name, redefined-builtin

def _custom_exception_hook(type, value, tb):
    if hasattr(sys, "ps1") or not sys.stderr.isatty():
        # we are in interactive mode or we don't have a tty-like
        # device, so we call the default hook
        sys.__excepthook__(type, value, tb)
        import traceback

        # we are NOT in interactive mode, print the exception...
        traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb)
        # ...then start the debugger in post-mortem mode.

[docs]def hook_exception_ipdb(): if not hasattr(_custom_exception_hook, "origin_hook"): _custom_exception_hook.origin_hook = sys.excepthook sys.excepthook = _custom_exception_hook
[docs]def unhook_exception_ipdb(): assert hasattr(_custom_exception_hook, "origin_hook") sys.excepthook = _custom_exception_hook.origin_hook
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def exception_hook(enable=True): if enable: hook_exception_ipdb() yield unhook_exception_ipdb() else: yield
def decorate_exception_hook(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): with exception_hook(): return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped def _TimeoutEnterIpdbThread(locals_, cv, timeout): del locals_ with cv: if not cv.wait(timeout): pdb.set_trace() @contextlib.contextmanager def timeout_ipdb(locals_, timeout=3): cv = threading.Condition() thread = threading.Thread( target=_TimeoutEnterIpdbThread, args=(locals_, cv, timeout) ) thread.start() yield with cv: cv.notify_all()