jammy.cli package


jammy.cli.argument module

class jammy.cli.argument.JamArgumentParser(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ArgumentParser

jammy.cli.cmdline_viz module

class jammy.cli.cmdline_viz.CmdLineViz[source]

Bases: object

update(mode, eval_dict)[source]

jammy.cli.colors module

class jammy.cli.colors.COLORS[source]

Bases: object

[This class is used to color the bash shell by using {} {} {} with ‘COLORS.{}, text, COLORS.END_TOKEN’]

BBlack = '\x1b[1;30m'
BBlue = '\x1b[1;34m'
BCyan = '\x1b[1;36m'
BEST_COLOR = '\x1b[0;92m'
BGreen = '\x1b[1;32m'
BIBlack = '\x1b[1;90m'
BIBlue = '\x1b[1;94m'
BICyan = '\x1b[1;96m'
BIGreen = '\x1b[1;92m'
BIPurple = '\x1b[1;95m'
BIRed = '\x1b[1;91m'
BIWhite = '\x1b[1;97m'
BIYellow = '\x1b[1;93m'
BPurple = '\x1b[1;35m'
BRed = '\x1b[1;31m'
BWhite = '\x1b[1;37m'
BYellow = '\x1b[1;33m'
Black = '\x1b[0;30m'
Blue = '\x1b[0;34m'
Cyan = '\x1b[0;36m'
END_NO_TOKEN = '\x1b[0m'
END_TOKEN = '\x1b[0m)'
Green = '\x1b[0;32m'
IBlack = '\x1b[0;90m'
IBlue = '\x1b[0;94m'
ICyan = '\x1b[0;96m'
IGreen = '\x1b[0;92m'
IPurple = '\x1b[0;95m'
IRed = '\x1b[0;91m'
IWhite = '\x1b[0;97m'
IYellow = '\x1b[0;93m'
On_Black = '\x1b[40m'
On_Blue = '\x1b[44m'
On_Cyan = '\x1b[46m'
On_Green = '\x1b[42m'
On_IBlack = '\x1b[0;100m'
On_IBlue = '\x1b[0;104m'
On_ICyan = '\x1b[0;106m'
On_IGreen = '\x1b[0;102m'
On_IPurple = '\x1b[10;95m'
On_IRed = '\x1b[0;101m'
On_IWhite = '\x1b[0;107m'
On_IYellow = '\x1b[0;103m'
On_Purple = '\x1b[45m'
On_Red = '\x1b[41m'
On_White = '\x1b[47m'
On_Yellow = '\x1b[43m'
Purple = '\x1b[0;35m'
Red = '\x1b[0;31m'
TEST_COLOR = '\x1b[0;93m'
TRAIN_COLOR = '\x1b[0;92m'
UBlack = '\x1b[4;30m'
UBlue = '\x1b[4;34m'
UCyan = '\x1b[4;36m'
UGreen = '\x1b[4;32m'
UPurple = '\x1b[4;35m'
URed = '\x1b[4;31m'
UWhite = '\x1b[4;37m'
UYellow = '\x1b[4;33m'
VAL_COLOR = '\x1b[0;94m'
White = '\x1b[0;37m'
Yellow = '\x1b[0;33m'

jammy.cli.device module

class jammy.cli.device.DeviceNameFormat(value)[source]

Bases: JamEnum

An enumeration.

INT = 'int'
TENSORFLOW = 'tensorflow'
jammy.cli.device.canonlize_device_name(d, format=DeviceNameFormat.INT)[source]
jammy.cli.device.parse_and_set_devices(devs, format=DeviceNameFormat.INT, set_device=True)[source]
jammy.cli.device.parse_devices(devs, format=DeviceNameFormat.INT)[source]

jammy.cli.keyboard module

jammy.cli.keyboard.timeout_input(prompt, timeout=10, default='', strict=False)[source]
jammy.cli.keyboard.yes_or_no(question, default='yes')[source]

Ask a yes/no question via raw_input() and return their answer. “question” is a string that is presented to the user. “default” is the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>. It must be “yes” (the default), “no” or None (meaning that an answer is required from the user). The “answer” return value is True for “yes” or False for “no”.


Module contents